Development of methods "BONPET", is the inspiration that can not be ignored!

 80% Occurrence of Fire Due to inadvertence, losses from fire, are the sole responsibility of the victim. For that, technology fire extinguishers should be able to offset the design of building structures that are growing so fast,

Fire is a very horrible incident!, Disaster in the world caused by this fire, was ranked 2nd worst, if viewed from the victim and the frequency of these calamities upon men.
When viewed from the sequence of disaster caused by the forces of natural phenomena, it is the third fire, after...

wind and water. but the calamities caused by fire, was very common. this is due to many factors, one of which is due to a lack of human capacity to do prevention.
phenomena the forces of nature to an accident, fire is the third order when viewed from his greatness.
that order is based on my assessment for the following criteria:
  1.  as we know, the disasters caused by wind, is very terrible. wind can not be prevented, and can not be stopped, while the water can be prevented, but it is difficult or even not be stopped. while fire, more can be prevented, and have the opportunity to be stopped.

  2.  disaster caused  by wind, it is absolutely
natural occurrence, whereas water, can occur due to natural, or human. while fire, caused more by human activities, although could have been caused by nature, but humans are able to extinguish it.
From what I mentioned above, it can be concluded, that in the end method to overcome all calamities, is located on a more sophisticated system

My experience, when small, when I was in junior high school, where, at that time I was invited by my parents, to witness the demonstration "to overcome the fire", with the use of products "BONPET". I am very interested in the method of the device. I am really pleased with the experiment and liked tinkering with equipment, whether electronic, chemical, and mechanical / engine, then after watching the demonstration that arise in my heart, a sense of awe with the show that show, especially the use of tools and products .

Up to even now, I still remembered by the incident, I've tried to modify the tool to use which I think is very important.
The result of the concept that I made, I've also sent to the Indonesian government, through research and technology ministry, but until now, I have not gotten an answer, or have not seen the method that I sent was made by many people or a particular industry.
Together with this, I try to write and publish back method I ever made some time ago. Still using the product from BONPET. Here's my idea for this tool.
as we know, many residential houses and shops built terraced. Design the wall was difficult to be penetrated by water sprayed by firefighters, because generally made of thick glass.
Existing buildings generally were higher than the tool found on vehicle fire service vehicles, so that the water hose is used, can not spray water to the fire center.
Heat of the fire and thick smoke from fire, is one of the factors causing delays fire suppression. Although the officers are protected by heat-resistant clothing, however, thick smoke a barrier to the point of fire.
Water sources located far away, water availability is not necessarily guarantee, also made it difficult to conduct fire fighting fire.

From the description and picture above, so if only to extinguish fires in residential buildings or terraced houses, is to redesign a tool like "BONPET", with a shape like a grenade or a bullet ejection. The tool is modified to use long distance. For example, when getting fire on residential buildings or terraced houses, then this tool can be launched using a special gun designed to launch a grenade or a bullet.

Bullet or grenade fire, which was launched, it must be directed at certain holes found on the building, or directly aimed at the glass wall of the building, so it can break the glass, which in turn, bullet or grenade fire department was able to react in a burning building, so that to extinguish the fire from within.
The design for a bullet or grenade fire department is, it should be made of materials that are not flammable. Because if the materials used are highly flammable materials, such materials can be made for the emergence of new sources of fire.
This tool can also be modified by adding special substances that can make a cold room, for example, after putting out fires, then there are other tools that can be leveled and filled with air or oxygen gas high levels. So the possibility of the victim survived, would increase. 

Many incidents of fire, which originated from human negligence, for example: not a good system of electrical cable connection, forgot to turn off the stove, gas stove leaking hose, water heater using gas impertinent, electronic devices on standby, careless in laying materials and similar chemicals. 
Pets or other animals (not pets) such as mice, cockroaches, lizard, may result in fire, for example, touching pets or disturb the system electrical connections, gas and chemicals. No pets or animals are also nudging connection or chemicals that can cause fires.
 For research activities, studies, observations and ideas for invention
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Контр-адмирал Soerodjo пел imajinator // R.A. Soerodjo the imajinator


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