Patriot, I deceive You, maybe the title is like a teasing, but it's actually only a joke. despite that, I certainly serious to give an idea of my idea.
Patriot missile is a missile deterrent. many people talk about the greatness of this missile, when it happens Iraq war against multinational states. in the event that war, Iraq attacked Israel with the state using Scud missiles, however, that Israel has a missile counter force "Patriot", can withstand the attack of Iraq. Scud missiles were intercepted by Patriot missiles.

  Scud missile attack to bombard Israel foundered. Counter force missile air strike "patriots", managed to block. This phenomenon is part of the fun to...
battle. Where, in the end technology is also a decisive advantage of this battle.
From my observation earlier story, whether we think of?, Where the fighting which I describe as the game this game can be more exciting, when the two missiles have a more innovative modifications. For example, in an attack, it is not just analysis, but the armourer, make revisions and renovation, renovation of homemade missiles.
Renovations are done, certainly not just perfecting the shape or the advantage of missiles which he created, but instead were created based on the experience of his opponent's abilities. The ability to anticipate the Scud missile attacks, should be solved by modifying the form and other skills to outwit the existence and patriot missile capability.
For this, I try to design, try to provide illustration and imagination to change a type of Scud missiles. Although in the end my imagination and the illustrations that describe, can be used as study materials for similar missiles, it can be concluded that the modification of weapons would be more efficient if done on the basis of reality on the ground, and
not just based on the assessment methods that are too far away and just a waste government budget.
Following the design and review:
1. Launched missile
1a. anti-missile weapons (detect) and conduct ambush
2. Glide missile
2a. ambush kept going closer to the target
3. Detect missiles and other objects at a distance of 4 (four) pieces of the missile began to break away.
3a. Ambush fooled only carrier rocket missile attack, while in fact escaped the missile attack.
4. 4 (four) pieces of the missile began to break away
5. The missile left a carrier rocket
6. The rocket carrier into a target and 4 (four) pieces of missile attacks continue


Sytem of this tool are:

  1. Charge of delivering carrier rocket missile missile to its target once served to deceive the weapons deterrent missile, then the sensor contained in the tip (head) rocket is tasked to detect a particular object or kind of mentality that tried to approach, in this case is usually a deterrent missile like (Patriot).
  2.  At a certain distance when approaching another object, then the sensor on the missile carrier rocket is going to activate the device drivers on the fourth missile was carrying so that the four missiles and even then would break away and become four new striker towards the target.
  3. penetrating missile targets were four fruits will replace the carrier rocket and missile attacks on targets continue, while the carrier rocket missiles will likely become the target missile deterrent weapon...

>>R.A. Soerodjo<<


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