Kegiatan luar angkasa dari Negara-negara Maju adalah Penyebab "Pemanasan Global" di Dunia

Teori Pemanasan global yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli ilmu pengetahuan, bagi saya masih kurang lengkap. banyak seminar dan berbagai undangan yang dibuat oleh praktisi di bidang ilmu lingkungan kepada masyarakat di dunia, itu juga hanya berdasarkan sumber dari pengetahuan yang mereka dapatkan dari para ahli dunia yang memiliki konsentrasi dengan beberapa pengetahuan tentang itu, sehingga tidak mungkin bagi masyarakat untuk menilai dan merekonstruksi teori pemanasan global yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli itu.

Menrut pikiran saya, melalui renungan, peninjauan dan kajian-kajian logika, maka saya tidak segera menerima begitu saja apa yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli melalui buku-buku, serta sumber berita lainnya. Ada beberapa alasan yang masih belum dikemukakan oleh para ahli dan praktisi ilmu pengetahuan, yaitu beberapa penyebab lain yang menyebabkan pemanasan global, yang ada tiga masalah, yaitu:

1. Changes in volume of earth
For which we all know, that the relationship between the sun - the planet - the moon, is a layout that happens because of gravity or gravity. These attractions make a form of the solar system with the distance between each planet remains in position.
Logically, then the two objects that have a magnetic force, would place the position of each object that has a magnetic force in accordance with the amount of time of each object, that is what is called the planet's orbit, where between the
planets would have the distance and it occurs because the volume of each planet or also called the planet's orbit.

If the planet is changing, of course, a shift will occur between each planet, could become more distant or otherwise be added soon.
We know, that man on earth has conducted research into space long ago, to do that man created objects come from the earth, whether solid, liquid and gas objects. Spacecraft built by humans, of course, use objects that exist on earth, then the objects carried into space, the number has reached thousands of tons, even more. You can imagine if the volume of earth is reduced because the loss of some material that brought the earth into space, then certainly the weight of earth would be reduced, resulting in the reaction of the earth's magnetic force was changed.
If observed carefully, then my analysis, that the heat of the earth can be increased due to the shifting of the earth as a result of diminishing the weight of earth, As stated in Newton's Law that the body of mass would produce the gravitational influence of other objects, the Earth and the Sun also interact gravity. Gravitational influence of Earth and the Sun cause the Earth moves around the Sun. For that purpose, then this analysis needs to be studied more carefully. I illustrate that the increased geothermal caused by the approach of the earth to the sun. Are there any experts or experts who conduct research on distance re sun from the earth?.

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