this thing called "law". get this thing started from a sense of curiosity and was intrigued by the writings contained in the writings and brochures, which explain and illustrate the process of developing-breeding mosquitoes and dengue fever mosquito larvae.
as it is known that this type of mosquito is active at start around nine o'clock in the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon, also for this type of mosquito larvae live in clean places, that is not dirty and not mixed with the soil.

from the summary above, that if we want a little careful, then in fact there is a phenomenon that can be researched and...

examined in more detail. studies had to be originated from the imagination and engineering-engineering. because it is a question to get answers.


is what makes the answer to the questions raised minds, I was pleased with the research, try and try to get answers from the summary above, with the goal, who knows only the future can infer some knowledge that can certainly be a new formula for a discovery about the eradication dengue fever disease.

  1. about half past eight, I went to the page, and then I collected soil samples and inserted into an empty bottle. land contained in the bottle I stir then divided into two parts. fairly flat after stirring, I went round looking for a nest mosquito larvae, mosquito larvae suspected dengue fever. after getting several mosquito larvae samples from different places or nests, and then I went into the lab a private clinic, I asked to the analysts to ensure the sample type of mosquito larvae that I take, where mosquito larvae are manifold including mosquito dengue fever. based on the results of laboratory analysis, obtained some of the mosquito larvae that is not diversified dengue mosquito larvae and a few more diversified dengue fever mosquito. I separate them, I just took a fever dengue type, because it was the target of my research.
  2. I took two jars, then I take samples of water and mosquito larvae in which he lived and where I input some of the wiggler, respectively into the jar. after one day I put in the jar, it turns out that mosquito larvae are still alive. felt that successful adaptation into the jar, then I input a teaspoon of soil into each jar.
  3. the next day, I get the mosquito larvae were dead. of the incident, I finally took soil samples that I have input jar to be sent to the laboratory. I ask the laboratory to parse these lands into several elements, meaning the chemical elements of soil types, as well as its type of particles. confirmation from the laboratory undertakes my desires, with a fee or a fee of Rp. XXX, - (1992), now that certainly is not that much, but probably around Rp. XXX5, -. party undertakes laboratory and it takes time to research and decomposition of soil samples was 5 days.
  4. after five days, I went to the lab, and I get the 8 types of soil to the smallest elements and even some elements are vague and not visible to the eye. each element of the land is named, from the "puff, dip, sar, mak, lid, rip, sem, kum, has"
  5. of the eight elements of earlier, I input into eight jars that I have prepared, and given enough water. jars containing water and type of each element that I give it another wiggler type dengue fever mosquito, then I let sit in the open. the next day, I found that some live mosquito larvae and some die. mosquito larvae that died, there in the jar that contains the elements of land named "lid", and "law".
  6. I went to the lab again, this time I ask for details and the details about both types of elements of the land and the possibility of whether or not broken down again into the smallest element, and the answer I got, that possibility can not, but it is also no explanation of that element from the soil samples I get is the element that has side effects in humans if consumed excessively. elements have been categorized as follows:

·    element of "puh", is a useful element of the soil to neutralize acid, but can result in bloating when consumed excessively in humans. color black slightly.
·    element ": dip", is the earth element that has content that can cause headaches because of the concentration of substance will react to the blood circulation. Black
·    element of "sar", is the element content of a substance that can cool the stomach, but it should not be exaggerated, because it can cause bloating. White
·   element of "mak", is the element that does not contain substances that harm the body, these elements are neutral, slightly yellowish in color.
·    element "lid", is the element that does not contain substances that harm the body, these elements are neutral, but the elements can cause damage to teeth and bones if consumed excessively, slightly greenish color
·     element of "rip", is the element that does not contain substances that harm the body, these elements are neutral, reddish colored
·   element of "sem", is the element that does not contain substances that harm the body, these elements are neutral, translucent color brown
·   elements of "law", is the element that does not contain substances that harm the body, these elements are neutral, colorless
·    element "has", is the element that does not contain substances that harm the body, these elements are neutral, not colored.

element was based on the criteria, then I concluded that the type of the element of "law" is appropriate to continue the experiment and for an invention.

the next day, I gathered my back ground and take it to the lab. this time I ask from experts in the laboratory to parse the land and take samples only "law". the maximum amount. cost and time we have agreed.

opened what was to become my curiosity. of materials that I get, then I made a few packs. I input the air that mixes with the "law" was. one packet containing the "law" was, I test-piloted, a year later, on one occasion, and in places that are no outbreaks of dengue fever, I went to the location where dengue fever containing mosquito larvae. I pat the air-filled plastic wrap and "law", that erupted in and out of air, with "law" is not visible to the eye. I believe, that the "law" was going to fall and spread along the air, simply because the "law" has a specific gravity heavier than air, so it must be "law" would fall into the nest of the mosquito larvae.

the next day, I went to the nest where mosquito larvae are located. amazingly, I get a mosquito larva on the die type of dengue fever.

study materials

as we know, that puddle was not always there under, a lot of standing water on top, as above roof, gutters, concrete floors, water tanks, etc.. existence is difficult to place touched by humans, especially in terms of eradication, such as fogging. consequently, the breeding of this mosquito species still have a chance, let alone those places do have a pool of water clean enough.

"Law" is a substance which arguably is colorless, non-toxic. if the "law" spread through the air, then the "law" will not hinder a view (like fog), it does not pollute the place, does not smell (like smoke fogging), non-toxic. so if it falls into the drinking water boxes, "law" will not harm humans, although in large amounts, especially law does not react to cause the growth of moss or change the concentration of water.

decomposition process of "law" can also be done locally, could use the expertise that already exists, the cost would be very cheap, because it uses raw materials that do not have to buy or import.

in the dream, I made about this proposal, the purpose of the proposal is to "develop", and "executed". proposal that I sent to the government where I live, either through the health department, to the health ministry. but until now I have never received any responses or replies. I write this only to proclaim "a fantasy", which may be able to make an inspiration for health professionals and health agencies anywhere.
I woke up ... I found new inspiration to write a fantasy about the
"reverse logic" side effects of drug use in the human body  .... wait ... see the next article…

r.a. Suroyo.


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